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Creating an inclusive classroom: strategies for new teachers

At Mulberry College of Teaching, we are deeply committed to building an inclusive educational environment. This commitment shapes our teaching programmes and guides our post-graduate trainee teachers in creating classrooms where every student feels valued, understood, and supported. Here are strategies to help new teachers create more inclusive classrooms from their very first day.

Understanding diversity in the classroom

Inclusivity starts with understanding the diverse needs of our students. At Mulberry College of Teaching, our teachers recognise and appreciate the varied backgrounds, experiences, and abilities of their students. This understanding is critical in planning lessons that are accessible to all learners and reflect and celebrate the diversity of East London.

Culturally responsive teaching

We emphasise the importance of culturally responsive teaching, which involves recognising the cultural backgrounds of students and integrating this awareness into your teaching practice. This approach enhances student engagement and builds a learning environment where students see their identities reflected and respected in the curriculum.

Adaptivity and accessibility

Adaptive teaching is key to meeting the needs of all students. This might include varying your teaching methods,adapting materials, or using technology to enhance learning accessibility. Mulberry College of Teaching supports our post-graduate trainee teachers through bespoke coaching on effective adaptive teaching techniques, ensuring that you can cater to the specific learning styles and needs of each student.

Creating a supportive classroom culture

Building a classroom culture that promotes inclusion, diversity and aspiration involves establishing norms and practices that encourage respect, empathy, and collaboration among students. We guide post-graduate trainee teachers to implement classroom behaviour for learning practices that develop a safe and welcoming environment for all students.

At Mulberry College of Teaching, we believe in the power of reflective teaching practices. New teachers are encouraged to seek and respond to feedback from students and peers about how classroom practices can be improved to be more inclusive. This ongoing process helps teachers develop and refine strategies that support all students effectively.

Engaging with parents, carers and the community

Engaging with the wider community and parents is vital in creating an inclusive teaching environment in East London. As a post-graduate trainee teacher at Mulberry College of Teaching, you will learn to communicate effectively with parents and caregivers, understanding their perspectives and gaining insights that can enhance educational practices.

On-going learning and development

To help you keep up to date with developments in the community and enhance your practical skills, Mulberry College of Teaching offers ongoing professional development through workshops, seminars and peer collaboration which is focused on inclusive education. 

At Mulberry College of Teaching, we are dedicated to transforming lives through education. We equip our teachers with the tools to create inclusive classrooms that inspire and engage every student. By joining us, you contribute to a visionary approach to education that values and uplifts every member of our community.

About us

At the Mulberry College of Teaching, we are passionate about the transformative power of teaching. We strive to provide an inclusive and aspirational learning environment for all our students that focuses on excellent outcomes, collaboration and creative teaching. 

We invest in and value our teachers. By learning to teach with us, you will be immersed in schools and will learn from school-based subject specialists as well as a range of expert practitioners whose practice is grounded in the best available research. 

Based in the heart of East London, you will join our supportive professional learning community of Trust schools and local secondary school partners. Together, we appreciate the complexities and joys of working in a diverse inner-city urban community and will support you to excel. 

We look forward to welcoming you to the Mulberry College of Teaching and learning more about you and your aspirations.

Strengthening East London through education at Mulberry College of Teaching

At Mulberry College of Teaching, we believe in the transformative power of education—not just for individual students but for the entire East London community. Our post-graduate teacher teaching programmes are thoughtfully designed to address the unique needs of this vibrant area, building social, cultural, and economic growth through targeted educational initiatives.

Our programmes are tailored to develop knowledgeable, empowered teachers who are deeply engaged with their communities. By focusing on responsive teaching methods, we prepare our educators to meet the diverse needs of their students, encouraging inclusivity and understanding within the classroom.

Community engagement partnerships

Our commitment to community development is reinforced by strategic partnerships with local organisations, businesses, and cultural institutions. These collaborations enrich our training programmes and provide real-world experiences for our trainees. For instance, our partnership with local arts organisations allows trainees to integrate arts into their teaching, promoting creativity and cultural appreciation among students. These partnerships benefit our trainees through creating a collaborative environment where education can thrive within the strengthened East London community.

Impact on local schools and community development

Teachers trained at Mulberry College of Teaching bring fresh perspectives and innovative strategies to their classrooms, significantly improving student engagement and academic outcomes. Their approach goes beyond traditional teaching; they implement community projects, facilitate discussions on important social issues, and encourage students to take active roles in their environment. With our clear focus on continuous professional development, our teachers remain at the forefront of educational innovation. Regular workshops and seminars provide them with the latest educational research and methodologies, equipping them with the tools to adapt and excel in a rapidly changing world.

Join us in transforming East London

We invite you to become a part of this dynamic educational movement. At Mulberry College of Teaching, you will be a community leader, an innovator, and a change-maker; contributing to a sustainable model of education that values diversity, fosters creativity, and enhances the quality of life across East London.

About us

At the Mulberry College of Teaching, we are passionate about the transformative power of teaching. We strive to provide an inclusive and aspirational learning environment for all our students that focuses on excellent outcomes, collaboration and creative teaching. 

We invest in and value our teachers. By learning to teach with us, you will be immersed in schools and will learn from school-based subject specialists as well as a range of expert practitioners whose practice is grounded in the best available research. 

Based in the heart of East London, you will join our supportive professional learning community of Trust schools and local secondary school partners. Together, we appreciate the complexities and joys of working in a diverse inner-city urban community and will support you to excel. 

We look forward to welcoming you to the Mulberry College of Teaching and learning more about you and your aspirations.


Lifelong learning through continuous professional development

At Mulberry College of Teaching, we recognise that post-graduate teacher training is just the start of a teacher’s learning journey. Our commitment to lifelong learning through continuous professional development (CPD) is ever-evolving. Our programmes are designed to support educators throughout their careers, helping them to adapt, innovate, and lead in their teaching practices.

Commitment to continuous growth

We believe that effective teaching thrives on fresh ideas and new skills. That’s why our CPD is integrated into every stage of a teacher’s career. From the latest pedagogical research to innovative classroom technologies, we ensure our educators are well-equipped to meet the challenges of modern education and inspire young people’s aspirations, engagement and success.

“The schools share an approach which is to support and nurture their trainee teachers to become confident, ambitious and often outstanding practitioners in their subjects. I have certainly felt challenged through my teacher training so far – but at all times supported and offered help and advice by the most experienced and willing of colleagues.” Oliver – trainee teacher

Tailored professional development

Every teacher’s journey is unique, which is why our CPD programmes are as diverse as the educators and students we support. Whether it’s through workshops, seminars, or collaborative projects, we offer a range of opportunities tailored to meet the individual needs and career stages of our teachers. This personalised approach ensures that our educators not only maintain their professional standards but also continue to develop their teaching strategies and leadership skills.

Collaboration and community learning

At the heart of our CPD is the belief in the power of community and collaboration. Mulberry College of Teaching is contributing to a vibrant professional learning community where educators share insights, challenge each other, and grow together. Through regular networking events and peer mentoring, our teachers build strong professional networks that support their personal and career development.

The impact of our sustained focus on CPD is evident in the classrooms of East London and beyond. Teachers who engage in ongoing professional development bring renewed passion and updated skills to their roles, enhancing learning outcomes for young people and enriching the educational experience for all students. Schools across the region report higher levels of teacher satisfaction and improved student performance, reflecting the effectiveness of our comprehensive support system.

Join us on your journey of professional growth

We invite all aspiring teachers to join Mulberry College of Teaching and embark on a journey of professional growth and lifelong learning. We encourage you to be a curious and reflective learner, with ample opportunities to develop, practise and critique your skills and talents. Our vibrant learning environment provides a rich opportunity for personal and professional growth, enabling you to contribute to the broader field of education, ensuring every student in East London receives the best possible learning experience.

About us

At the Mulberry College of Teaching, we are passionate about the transformative power of teaching. We strive to provide an inclusive and aspirational learning environment for all our students that focuses on excellent outcomes, collaboration and creative teaching. 

We invest in and value our teachers. By learning to teach with us, you will be immersed in schools and will learn from school-based subject specialists as well as a range of expert practitioners whose practice is grounded in the best available research. 

Based in the heart of East London, you will join our supportive professional learning community of Trust schools and local secondary school partners. Together, we appreciate the complexities and joys of working in a diverse inner-city urban community and will support you to excel. 

We look forward to welcoming you to the Mulberry College of Teaching and learning more about you and your aspirations.

The importance of understanding diversity in post-graduate teacher training

In the richly diverse landscape of East London, Mulberry College of Teaching is committed to providing inclusive post-graduate teacher training; raising young people’s aspirations and engagement. Our transformative post-graduate teacher training equips trainees with academic expertise and a deep understanding of the cultural dynamics that shape our classrooms.

Inclusion and diversity

At Mulberry College of Teaching, inclusion and diversity is an integral part of our Initial Teacher Training (ITT) programme. Designed to support post-graduate trainee teachers to fully appreciate our students’ diverse experiences, trainees recognise that each learner brings a unique perspective to the classroom. By understanding these nuances, our trainees are better prepared to create inclusive learning environments that build  respect, empathy, and understanding among students.

“I am very grateful for having started my teacher training at Mulberry. The English department, in particular, have been so welcoming and supportive in my transition to teaching. There is no teaching day that is ever the same, which I think is amazing. Every day comes with new experiences, new memories and further professional development.” Ameera – trainee teacher

Training teachers for a diverse career

Our ITT curriculum incorporates extensive, supportive training; from interactive workshops to immersive placements in local schools. Mulberry College of Teaching’s post-graduate trainee teachers experience firsthand the challenges and rewards of teaching in one of London’s most diverse boroughs.

Building bridges through education

The impact of this approach is profound. Our post-graduate trainee teachers have the opportunity to act as bridge-builders, using education as a tool to connect cultures and communities. This enhances student learning, engagement and aspirations;  strengthening community ties and helping young people see how they can positively impact the world.

The demand for teachers with experience in diverse communities has never been higher. Mulberry College of Teaching’s post-graduate trainee teachers will be equipped to teach anywhere in the world; possessing first-hand experience of the global influences that affect local education settings.

Find out more

We invite you to become part of this transformative educational experience. At Mulberry College, you’ll gain more than a qualification; you’ll develop the skills to make a real difference in a world that values diversity and inclusivity. Join us as we navigate new territories in education, and help shape a future where every student thrives in a culturally rich classroom.

About us

At the Mulberry College of Teaching, we are passionate about the transformative power of teaching. We strive to provide an inclusive and aspirational learning environment for all our students that focuses on excellent outcomes, collaboration and creative teaching. 

We invest in and value our teachers. By learning to teach with us, you will be immersed in schools and will learn from school-based subject specialists as well as a range of expert practitioners whose practice is grounded in the best available research. 

Based in the heart of East London, you will join our supportive professional learning community of Trust schools and local secondary school partners. Together, we appreciate the complexities and joys of working in a diverse inner-city urban community and will support you to excel. 

We look forward to welcoming you to the Mulberry College of Teaching and learning more about you and your aspirations.

The role of mentors in shaping the next generation of teachers

Mentors play an integral role in post-graduate teacher training. At Mulberry College of Teaching (MCoT), we’ve meticulously designed the mentor programme to equip trainees with the necessary support, guidance, and practical insights required to become effective, compassionate, and innovative educators.

Building a strong foundation

The educational journey for a post-graduate trainee teacher at Mulberry College of Teaching is supported by a comprehensive mentorship framework. Right from the start, trainees are paired with experienced mentors who are experienced educators, well-versed in the challenges and opportunities of teaching in the diverse and dynamic environments of East London. These mentors act as role models, advisers, and supporters, steering trainees through both theoretical and practical facets of their training.

Personalised guidance

A distinctive strength of the mentoring at MCoT is its personalised approach. Mentors dedicate time to understanding the individual strengths, challenges, and aspirations of each post-graduate trainee teacher. This customised guidance helps trainees in developing their unique teaching styles, managing classroom challenges, and building confidence in their own capabilities. Through regular feedback sessions, trainees can reflect on their progress and identify areas for enhancement within a nurturing environment.

Mulberry College of Teaching’s mentors also receive bespoke professional learning; enabling them to continue to enhance and refine their mentoring expertise.

Real-world application

Mulberry College of Teaching’s mentors facilitate practical placements in local schools within the Mulberry network, where post-graduate trainee teachers can apply their learning in real-world contexts. These hands-on experiences are crucial, allowing trainees to hone their skills, receive immediate guidance, and grasp the complexities of different educational settings. It is during these placements that theoretical knowledge is translated into practical, impactful educational strategies.

Emotional and professional support

The teaching profession is immensely fulfilling, yet it comes with its challenges. Mulberry College of Teaching’s mentors provide both emotional and professional support to help trainees navigate any challenges. Whether addressing difficult classroom dynamics, balancing professional and personal life, or planning career steps after qualification, mentors are there to offer their support. This holistic approach ensures that post-graduate trainee teachers excel in their roles alongside sustaining their well-being and motivation.

Cultivating a community of educators

The mentor programme at Mulberry College of Teaching aims to cultivate a community of educators. Trainees and mentors often develop enduring relationships that extend beyond the official end of the training year. This growing network of educators provides a vital resource, offering continued support and opportunities for professional development throughout a teacher’s career.

Impact on educational outcomes

The success of Mulberry’s mentoring programme is mirrored in the achievements of its graduates. Schools throughout East London commend the preparedness and impact of Mulberry-trained teachers, noting their innovative teaching methods, empathy towards students, and adeptness at managing diverse classrooms. Positive feedback from partner schools underscores the pivotal role that mentoring plays in equipping new teachers.

About us

At the Mulberry College of Teaching, we are passionate about the transformative power of teaching. We strive to provide an inclusive and aspirational learning environment for all our students that focuses on excellent outcomes, collaboration and creative teaching. 

We invest in and value our teachers. By learning to teach with us, you will be immersed in schools and will learn from school-based subject specialists as well as a range of expert practitioners whose practice is grounded in the best available research. 

Based in the heart of East London, you will join our supportive professional learning community of Trust schools and local secondary school partners. Together, we appreciate the complexities and joys of working in a diverse inner-city urban community and will support you to excel. 

We look forward to welcoming you to the Mulberry College of Teaching and learning more about you and your aspirations.

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